Case Management

Assessment and referrals with the expertise you deserve

AJCM offers bespoke and therapeutic services and will ensure that your clients receive a level of expertise. AJ Case Managers are skilled and experienced clinicians and they have received bespoke training to enable them to support our clients through the litigation process. 

AJ Case Managers are skilled in all aspects of rehabilitation, the Mental Capacity Act, recruitment of support staff, employment law, property adaptations, management of a multi-disciplinary team and many more bespoke areas. 

Our Case Management Services include:

Therapeutic case management

Immediate Needs Assessment

Specialist training

Could a Case Manager help you?

We know the injury suffered by you or your loved one changed everyone’s life that day. Those early days can be a blur for everyone, and the days, months and years ahead have their own unique challenges. 

There are so many worries you may need to deal with and not just the physical injuries and emotional impact.  Often your loved one will remain in hospital or be unable to work and you may find yourself juggling visits, children, and work.  There is often financial strain following the accident as incomes can be reduced and expenses of living increased. 

AJ Case Management can support you or your loved one at every step. 

During Litigation

The early appointment of a Case Manager will enable you to have support and guidance to start your journey in rehabilitation following your injuries. 

We will complete an initial assessment and provide a comprehensive case management plan for the short, medium and long term identified needs.  

We will bring in the right therapists, at the right time, guided by you.

The team at AJ are experienced in the litigation processes, so your Case Manager will help and support you in each step, helping you to make sense of what can be a long and complicated system. 

We are genuine – we say what we do, and do what we say. We act with integrity and have your best interests at heart. 

After your case has settled, the support provided by the Case Manager can continue and be relevant to your needs and wishes. Case management is a long term service and we acknowledge that rehabilitation is a long term investment.  

Your journey is unique and the AJ Case managers are experienced at offering bespoke service to meet your needs at any point of your journey. 

You will experience passion and receive an outstanding service from a comprehensive administrative team and your chosen case manager. 

AJ Case Management can send out several CV’s of potential Case Managers for you to have a look through. If you see a person you think would match your values and be able to support you in your journey, we will offer you a free meet and greet, either in person or virtually. This gives you an opportunity to ask questions, find out if you will be able to work with the Case Manager, with no commitment to go ahead.  

If you choose to proceed with AJ Case Management, your chosen Case Manager will carry out a comprehensive assessment  and provide a report detailing your difficulties, needs and short to long term goals. We will work with you and your family to implement the recommendations. 

What is Case Management?

Case management is a process of supporting clients and their families when a life changing incident has left them in need of skilled and often clinical input. Clients may have sustained injuries as a result of clinical negligence or accidents.

AJ Case Management has an established therapeutic case management team. Often, the first step is to informally meet your Case Manager to discuss the Case Manager’s background and your expectations of your Case Manager. After this initial meeting your Case Manager will carry out a clinical assessment to establish areas you need support with and your goals for the short to long term. A case management plan/report will be prepared for your consideration and once agreed the plan will be implemented.

The Case Manager assesses the needs of clients and their families and identifies relevant and cost effective resources which can be made available to them in order to obtain maximum benefit for the client, the family and the budget holder.

A plan is prepared and implemented to create a support package, individually tailored for each client.

You can expect to see our team attending various training events throughout the year and this is in addition to their regular client reviews, peer support meetings and team meetings.

Examples of how a Case Manager will support you are endless, and all services are designed specific to the client and family. No two cases are ever the same and no job is too big or small. Some examples of case management recommendations may include:

  • Support with applying for benefits
  • Support to access NHS and statutory services
  • Support to liaise with your employer or school/college/university
  • Implementation and management of a therapy programme
  • Support with sourcing alternative accommodation
  • Support to organise specialist equipment or housing adaptations
  • Support to plan a holiday
  • Support to recruit a support worker/buddy/personal assistant

Examples of how a Case Manager will support you are endless, and all services are designed specific to the client and family. No two cases are ever the same and no job is too big or small. Some examples of case management recommendations may include: 

  • Undertaking an assessment to discuss with you and/or your family your needs and goals. 
  • Making recommendations to achieve the outcomes you desire and develop an individually tailored programme of care, support and rehabilitation with estimated funding. Provide a comprehensive report and case management action plan. 
  • Act as your advocate and communicate your needs, where necessary. 
  • Organise appropriate leisure and local community activities. 
  • Review all support and therapy to ensure they continue to meet your needs. 
  • Produce regular update reports